sad dad 8th June 2010

Martin Pearson was my son. My only son but the middle of 3 well loved children.Marian, Martin and Angela. I say children because no matter how old they are, they are always your children. Martin worked as a chef and then up to a manager. He worked far too hard and far too long, yet I don't believe he ever really complained. He loved what he was doing. He was doing what he wanted. Unfortunately both Martin and I worked unsociable hours and stupid shifts and did not see much of each other, however he fitted in a social life and enjoyed both that and his professional life. They say "Only the good die young." Well judging by the amazing number of friends and workmates who came to pay their last respects to him, then this was certainly true of Martin. Seeing all the people there has led me to really question some of my religious beliefs and also leave me with one big question. WHY HIM?? Although maybe this is just his sorely grieving father. So my thought to any and all of you is this:- FAMILY FIRST. Never let work stop you telling your family you love them, or let it get in the way of you visiting them. Help them all you can, because you never know when they may be taken away from you. This is by Keith. Martin's Dad.